Our Top Tips For Attending Your Work End Of Year Party

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

The end of the year has finally rolled around after one long, challenging, complex, overwhelming and CRAZY year. With most of Australia out of a strict lockdown, this means everyone can get together (whilst being covid safe) and celebrate all the business has achieved this year.

When we think End Of Year Party usually the first thing that comes to mind is the free food and alcohol, plus finally having the chance to have fun with your colleagues. Unfortunately, on occasion some team members forget they are at a work function, and take themselves back to their 18th birthday, this year is no different.

The past 2 years of being in and out of lockdown has gone two ways for most people. You either took the route of a well-deserved health kick, clean eating, no drinking and using apps like couch to 5km in order to boost your strava activities. Or the other route which is still well deserved of take away most nights, no exercise (maybe a walk here and there) and a regular visit to Dan Murphy’s. Our point being, we are all a little out of the loop on how to behave in social events. Meaning this year’s party may be a little more out of the ordinary than normal.

This is why we have decided to come up with a few points to remember when attending your End Of Year Party. Just to give you all a quick brief reminder to avoid that shockwave of embarrassment when you wake up with a crazy headache the next morning.

Management Top Tip:

Ensure you have released a Social Events Policy that staff have acknowledged and read. This will help remind staff that even though Christmas parties are meant to be fun, work functions still have policies and procedures that need to be adhered to.

Attendee Top Tips:

1. Attend the event!

For most party’s attendance is optional, however we think it’s best to show up! We get that you may not be in a mood to make small talk with your boss but trust us you might end up having a blast.

2. Do not talk about work the whole time

There is always one person who seems to continue the dreaded work discussion even when everyone at the party does not want to hear about it…. don’t be this person.  These parties are a great way to get to know your team members on a more social level, not talk about your KPIS.

3. Do not drink too much

Pace yourself!! Yes, it’s an exciting time but unfortunately this isn’t a bottomless brunch with your friends. Moderation is key. Acting in an extremely intoxicated manner could not only damage your reputation but go against your employee code of conduct.

4. Dress appropriately

Even though this is a party/ event it’s still recommended that you dress accordingly. If you are confused about the dress code, ask your manager or another team member. They will not mind helping you find a perfectly suited outfit.

5. Avoid gossiping

It is best to avoid workplace gossiping at all times especially in an environment where drinking is involved. It is very easy to mistakenly say something to the wrong person. Then it gets to Monday and you are dealing with the consequences of not only an awkward workplace greasy, but a serious chat with your manager. Gossiping isn’t taken lightly. This behaviour can be considered as workplace bullying.

6. Enjoy yourself + remember these points ^

The most important point is have fun! Celebrate your achievements, and end the year on a high with all your colleagues.