Category Archive

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Small Business HR”

Our Top Tips For Attending Your Work End Of Year Party

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

The end of the year has finally rolled around after one long, challenging, complex, overwhelming and CRAZY year. With most of Australia out of a strict lockdown, this means everyone can get together (whilst being covid safe) and celebrate all the business has achieved this year. When we think End Of Year Party usually the first thing that comes to …

Making HR Consulting Easy with up-to-date Training and Fair Work Compliance

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

If you are new to the HR world it can be difficult to keep up with all the different kinds of HR related businesses out there. Here at hussetHR we are an outsourced HR and consulting agency. Some people may still be coming to terms with the idea of HR consulting or outsourcing however more recently internal Human Resource departments …

What is a Training Needs Analysis and Why It’s Important?

Sophia Divirgilio Small Business HR

Training Needs Analysis also known as (TNA) is when a company identifies the necessary training and development needed of the employees to perform their job to the best of their ability. During this process the reviewer identifies gaps in an employee’s capabilities, skills and knowledge. This analysis can be used when recruiting, onboarding new staff members, re-skilling, up-skilling, and implementing …

Responsible Workplace Relationships

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

Currently the media is swarming with different issues involving many large-scale organisations, political parties and small businesses being hit with allegations of sexual assault and harassment in the workplace. Canberra has been shocked by a series of revelations from sexual harassment to rape. These allegations publicly unfolding along with the #metoo movement have created conversation about what some women have …

hussetHR’s Best Tips For A Smooth Onboarding Experience

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

The onboarding process can be daunting for both the new employee and the employer. We at HussetHR are here to make it easy. There are many different aspects that go into creating the perfect onboarding process for the beginning of the employees’ time at your business. Unfortunately, some employers forget the importance of a good start!   The onboarding process is the third phase of our Husset Model of HR. It involves probationary reviews, employment agreements, induction and Fair Work Australia compliance.   What is …

Gaslighting at Work: How to Stop it

Sophia Divirgilio Category-01, Small Business HR

You may or may not have already heard about the term “gaslighting”. This form of psychological manipulation can be seen in friendships, relationships and even unfortunately at work. Sometimes without even knowing you may have toxic employees at your workplace, and as a manager this can be difficult to initially recognise.   Gaslighting at work can be extremely detrimental to your corporate culture, your employees job …

hussetHR’s essential tips for a small business owner

Sophia Divirgilio Small Business HR

Running a small business can come with a lot of tricky challenges but doing something you love every single day makes it all worth it. As a small business owner or manager that has never had experience running a business before, it can be confusing dealing with all kinds of business aspects that you have never heard of. You are diving into the unknown, but we can help ensure …