After reading our previous blog post about the benefits of outsourcing Human Resource Management, I’m sure you’re thinking when is the right time? Or maybe tossing up if you should outsource your HR in the first place! That is why we are here to help.
In our blog post today, we will give you the ins and outs on when you should join the hundreds of others in outsourcing your HR.
Exciting right…
We know it can be really difficult as a manager to be responsible for all kinds of roles, you are constantly wearing lots of hats. Especially in our current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, you will be juggling several more responsibilities than any normal day. It can also get very confusing trying to remain in accordance with things that you just do not really understand. Trust us we get it! This brings us to our first point to when you may start thinking about a new outsourced HR team.
One of the biggest challenges about running a business can be ensuring your compliment with all state and federal laws, especially if you do not have any legal background. These can be confusing! There are certain requirements you may need as well as ensuring your up to date with recent award changes and OHS updates, which you can easily begin falling behind on!
Have you been down this slippery slope? If yes, we think it’s definitely a good idea to begin looking into outsourcing your HR team. Avoid those legal fees or even fines that are inevitable if you are not staying in accordance with changing laws. We are HR specialists that stay up to date with all of this for you, to avoid any future legal headaches!
If your budget is beginning to tighten, it can bring added stress to your work life. Maybe you need to cut costs by reducing the number of employees you have or in other ways? Having an internal HR team means that you are paying for full-time salaries, but you may not need a Human Resources department that works full time. If this is the case, choosing to outsource your HR may bring some financial ease to your business. It could be a cheaper alternative to an internal HR department at your organisation, but as we know everything does come at a cost. To top it off there is no need to train someone – woohoo!
Is your employee turnover rapidly increasing, and you can’t work out why or how to fix it? Unfortunately, this does happen no matter how well you are doing as a manager. If you want someone to assist you in improving your employees’ workplace satisfaction, and ensuring that you have the correct people to fit your job description then maybe it’s time to consider getting some assistance. Human Resource Managers focus on ensuring your employees are looked after… so you don’t have to. If you have the correct policies and procedures in place this may help reduce that growing employee turnover and ensure your Human Assets are performing to their best!
You had a great year, met most of your business goals and have expanded your market share, BUT you are struggling to keep up with all the new employees. This situation can be stressful and very overwhelming. To reduce the growing worry, and more importantly focus on your amazing business growth bring in a new team of experts to take away the stress. With a specialist HR team on your side, you may even set yourself up for further business improvements in the years to come.
What will happen if you refuse to outsource your HR Services?
So you’ve made the decision just to stick with your regular internal HR team. If it’s working for your business then there is no reason to change, right? This will just mean that you may not be able to reap the same benefits of those who already joined the outsourcing HR bandwagon. Did you know that a study conducted in 2012 found that businesses that outsourced grew 7-9% faster than those who chose not to? Meaning your business is going to be part of the unfortunate “those who chose not to” category. Do you really want that?
If you don’t even have an internal HR department and are doing it all yourself, you are going to put yourself at risk of not staying compliant. Yes, you can tell we have touched on the risk of being not compliant a bit in this and previous blog posts BUT, we are trying to warn you of the very real possibility of thousands of dollars in fines.
Having an extra team of experts on your side will also help reduce some of that stress and pressure you are currently experiencing. During our current unfortunate circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we are more than happy to answer any of your questions! Please do not hesitate to contact us no matter if you’re interested in outsourcing or not.
Now if you’re reading this and thinking most of these above points heavily resonate with you, it may be time for a positive change to your business. Gaining access to an outsourced HR company is pretty simple, all starts with just a phone call or an email… Easy right?